Tenax-TA吸附管 測定制藥工業大氣污染物苯系物
Tenax-TA吸附管 測定制藥工業大氣污染物苯系物的詳細介紹
測定制藥工業大氣污染物苯系物 詳細信息:
應用: 制藥工業大氣污染物排放標準(GB 37823—2019)揮發性有機物 volatile organic compounds(VOCs)參與大氣光化學反應的有機化合物,或者根據有關規定確定的有機化合物。在表征VOCs總體排放情況時,根據行業特征和環境管理要求,可采用總揮發性有機物(以TVOC表示)、非甲烷總烴(以NMHC表示)作為污染物控制項目。
3.12 總揮發性有機物 total volatile organic compounds(TVOC)采用規定的監測方法,對廢氣中的單項VOCs物質進行測量,加和得到VOCs物質的總量,以單項VOCs物質的質量濃度之和計。實際工作中,應按預期分析結果,對占總量90%以上的單項VOCs物質進行測量,加和得出。
3.13 非甲烷總烴 non-methane hydrocarbons(NMHC)采用規定的監測方法,氫火焰離子化檢測器有響應的除甲烷外的氣態有機化合物的總和,以碳的質量濃度計。
3.14 工藝廢氣 process vents 制藥生產工藝過程中排放的廢氣,包括配制、合成、提取、結晶、離心、過濾、干燥、精制、包裝、溶劑回收等工藝排氣,以及真空泵等輔助設備排氣等。
3.15 發酵尾氣 tail gas from fermentation 發酵類化學原料藥生產過程中,從微生物發酵罐排出的含生物代謝物質的廢氣,也包括發酵罐清洗、消毒過程中向外排放的含污染物的蒸汽。
3.16 無組織排放 fugitive emission 大氣污染物不經過排氣筒的無規則排放,包括開放式作業場所逸散,以及通過縫隙、通風口、敞開門窗和類似開口(孔)的排放等。
測定制藥工業大氣污染物苯系物 測試譜圖:
Determination of benzene series of air pollutants in the pharmaceutical industry
Determination of benzene series of air pollutants in the pharmaceutical industry Details:
Name: Adsorption tube
Specification: 1/4*3.5
Filler: 200mg
Shape: U, straight pipe
Application: Air Pollutant Emission Standard for the Pharmaceutical Industry (GB 37823—2019)
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic compounds that participate in atmospheric photochemical reactions, or organic compounds determined in accordance with relevant regulations. When characterizing the overall emissions of VOCs, according to industry characteristics and enviro
3.12 Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) adopts the prescribed mo
3.13 Non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) adopt the prescribed mo
3.14 Process vents Waste gas discharged from the pharmaceutical production process, including process exhausts such as preparation, synthesis, extraction, crystallization, centrifugation, filtration, drying, refining, packaging, solvent recovery, and auxiliary equipment such as vacuum pumps.
3.15 tail gas from fermentation The waste gas co
3.16 fugitive emission The random emission of air pollutants without passing through the exhaust tube, including the escape of open workplaces, and the emission through gaps, vents, open doors and windows, and similar openings (holes).
Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Applied Technology Development Co., Ltd. used gas chromatography and TENAX-TA adsorption tube enrichment to successfully determine the residual benzene series of air pollutants in the pharmaceutical industry. The column efficiency is high, the separation is good, and the results are satisfactory.
Determination of benzene series of air pollutants in the pharmaceutical industry Test spectrum:
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