安捷倫4890玻璃柱Chromosorb 101 HP 60~80 頂空-氣相色譜法快速測定冰淇淋中環氧乙烷殘留
產品名稱:安捷倫4890玻璃柱Chromosorb 101 HP 60~80 頂空-氣相色譜法快速測定冰淇淋中環氧乙烷殘留
產品型號:安捷倫4890玻璃柱Chromosorb 101 HP 60~80
安捷倫4890玻璃柱Chromosorb 101 HP 60~80 頂空-氣相色譜法快速測定冰淇淋中環氧乙烷殘留的詳細介紹
頂空-氣相色譜法快速測定冰淇淋中環氧乙烷殘留 詳細信息:
浩瀚色譜(山東)應用技術開發有限公司建立頂空-氣相色譜法快速測定冰淇淋中環氧乙烷殘留量的方法。方法:制備冰淇淋樣品待測液,自動頂空進樣器進樣,連接Agilent 4890氣相色譜儀,采用Chromosorb 101 HP 60~80目;玻璃柱長2m*3 mm、程序升溫進行組分分離,FID檢測器檢測,外標法定量。結果:在0.1~5.0 mg/L,環氧乙烷相關系數大于0.999,加標回收率為85.7%~100.8%,RSD為1.2%~2.6%。結論:該方法有效減少了操作過程中造成的環氧乙烷逃逸,且目標峰附近無干擾,回收率和重復性均滿足需求,可用于檢測冰淇淋中的環氧乙烷。
Rapid Determination of Ethylene Oxide Residues in Ice Cream by Headspace-Gas Chromatography
Rapid Determination of Ethylene Oxide Residues in Ice Cream by Headspace-Gas Chromatography Details:
Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. established a method for the rapid determination of ethylene oxide residues in ice cream by headspace-gas chromatography. Method: Prepare the ice cream sample to be tested, inject the sample into an automatic headspace sampler, co nnect to an Agilent 4890 gas chromatograph, use Chromosorb 101 HP 60-80 mesh; glass column length 2m*3 mm, temperature programmed for compo nent separation, FID Detector detection, external standard method for quantification. RESULTS: At 0.1~5.0 mg/L, the correlation coefficient of ethylene oxide was greater than 0.999, the recovery of standard addition was 85.7%~100.8%, and the RSD was 1.2%~2.6%. Conclusion: The method effectively reduces the escape of ethylene oxide caused by the operation process, and there is no interference near the target peak, and the recovery and repeatability meet the requirements. It can be used for the detection of ethylene oxide in ice cream.
頂空-氣相色譜法快速測定冰淇淋中環氧乙烷殘留 詳細信息:
浩瀚色譜(山東)應用技術開發有限公司建立頂空-氣相色譜法快速測定冰淇淋中環氧乙烷殘留量的方法。方法:制備冰淇淋樣品待測液,自動頂空進樣器進樣,連接Agilent 4890氣相色譜儀,采用Chromosorb 101 HP 60~80目;玻璃柱長2m*3 mm、程序升溫進行組分分離,FID檢測器檢測,外標法定量。結果:在0.1~5.0 mg/L,環氧乙烷相關系數大于0.999,加標回收率為85.7%~100.8%,RSD為1.2%~2.6%。結論:該方法有效減少了操作過程中造成的環氧乙烷逃逸,且目標峰附近無干擾,回收率和重復性均滿足需求,可用于檢測冰淇淋中的環氧乙烷。
Rapid Determination of Ethylene Oxide Residues in Ice Cream by Headspace-Gas Chromatography
Rapid Determination of Ethylene Oxide Residues in Ice Cream by Headspace-Gas Chromatography Details:
Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. established a method for the rapid determination of ethylene oxide residues in ice cream by headspace-gas chromatography. Method: Prepare the ice cream sample to be tested, inject the sample into an automatic headspace sampler, co
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